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Writer: Marsha Bricks Marsha Bricks

By Marsha Brick

Summer holidays are over with the Labour Day long weekend. The kids head back to school and we all go back to our usual routine.

I remember starting school in grade1 in a school behind my house on Smithfield. Seven Oaks Elementary School had 5 classrooms for six grades. Grade 1 and grade 6 had classrooms, the other grades - 2, 3, 4 and 5 - had mixed classes of 2 grades. There was a large playground for us to use at recess and lunch time.

The best part of that school was our Principal Mrs. G.M. Stewart. She taught all of us respect for each other and our differences, and respect for our elders.

Seven Oaks was great school. I made many life long friends and still feel a bond to my classmates. I was very fortunate to attend this school and to have known a Principal who knew every student in her school and made each of us feel important to her.

One thing she did every year was run an after school program herself. The two I remember

best were clay modeling and drama class. With the clay modeling she would gently push us to try to make different items to expand our abilities. In drama class she would want us to use our imagination to come up with different story ideas every week.

Every morning we had to stand in the hall outside our class and sing O Canada and at the end of the day, sing God Save The Queen. When things were happening outside of school she would bring out this large television on a high metal stand so the students could watch

important events in the hallway.

The one I remember most was watching the 1972 Hockey Summit with Canada and Russia playing an eight game series to see what country had better hockey players. Of course it was Canada.

Lets all enjoy this long weekend and have fun. Watch our children and grandchildren go back to school and encourage them to take on the new adventures ahead of them.



Marsha Brick owns

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