By Marsha Brick
We are now into 2020 and a start of a new year. I am looking forward to what the year will bring. One of the things I started last year was going to the gym in the building at work. I have really enjoyed that and met so many people who live here and made me feel completely
One person who has been huge supporter of me is my neighbor Nino; whenever I come down if he is on the bike, he let use it right away so that I can get back to work on time. He is also fabulous cook and has brought lunch a couple of times. Also, if anyone is looking for furniture or is new in the building, he tells them about the store. He also collects art, telling me about
some of his most favorite pieces.
This building is dog friendly. I see people all the time taking their dogs out for walks and taking about their dog. When I bring my dogs to work one at time, people always want to
pat her and if they no longer have a dog, they tell me about their dog and how much they miss them.
Now that the cold weather is here one of the nice things is that there is underground parking. When I go home at the end of the day; my car is clean of snow and I don’t need to warm it
up; unlike at home where my car is parked outside, I have warm it up in morning and clear off the snow. Also, at home I have to shovel my parking pad and my walk.
I am fortunate to also have great neighbors at home; I know how hard that can be sometimes. I look forward to springtime when we are all in our yards getting ready for our gardens and comparing notes on what worked last year and what we want to try this year. I have learned
so much from my neighbors.
Let us all have a great 2020.
Happy New Year
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Fine Furniture
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Marsha Brick’s Fine Furniture