By Marsha Brick
This past weekend we had small family event and my Uncle Jerry (my dad’s brother), Aunt Ruth and cousin Karen came into town. They were both excited to see the store. Karen came on Thursday and fell in love with the bed that I have from Perfect Balance series. She said she just has to work on her husband when she gets home. He has no chance and she also loves the comfort of the Hypnos Mattress. She is going to tell her husband how wonderful the mattress is, as she laid on it for almost an hour.
On Sunday, I brought my Uncle and Aunt to see the store, they loved what they saw, and Uncle Jerry said my father would be very happy in the direction I have taken. Aunt Ruth was furniture shopping and found a swivel chair that fit her perfectly, as she is short in stature. Since they live in Toronto, I have a feeling that I will have to set up a visit for them at the Brentwood Classics showroom. I am sure Aunt Ruth wants that chair, she was sitting and debating about replacing 1 or 3 chairs (Sorry Uncle Jerry).
On Friday night, my brother set-up a Brick family dinner for my Uncle Jerry, he was so touched as we had all his nieces and nephews that live in Winnipeg as well Karen from Ottawa. He had tears in his eye and huge smile on his face. We had 7 out 12 first cousins together. It was so nice to see everyone. The 6 of us who live here, we are all just busy and never think about
getting together. We are busy with our lives and our children lives. This time knowing that Uncle Jerry is getting older and we have all lost our parents, it was important to see him and spend quality time with him. My daughter was unable to come on Friday, but was there on
Sunday to spend some time with Uncle Jerry. My brother Stuart brought his kids. Jerry could see his brother Fred in my nephews and Jerry was shocked to see how much Zoe had grown. My cousin Rocky brought his two daughters. They are beautiful young ladies and very grown-up. It wonderful to have these special moments.
Marsha Brick owns
Marsha Brick’s Fine Furniture
It’s always
special when
family visits!